3. Guided Installation

We made an installer to get you up and running as quickly as we can! After you make a robot on the site, all you need to do is follow the on-screen prompts.

  1. Copy and paste this command into a terminal. This is best handled via SSH.
pi@raspberry:~$ wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/remotv/controller/master/scripts/install.sh | bash -
  1. If you are ready to install, press enter on your keyboard.
  1. Enter the username you signed up for remo.tv with.
  1. Enter your robot’s API key. You can get this by clicking on your robot in the channels list.
  1. Select your robot type.


    You need to select your choice with space before pressing enter.

  1. Installation is now complete. It’s safe to reboot your robot; or you can run it manually by running

    pi@raspberry:~$ cd ~/remotv && python controller.py